So any other finals weeks, i would have been this woman shown above. Stressed out! But this semester has been great! I had 2 take home finals, one on blackboard, one scheduled presentation (thats on friday), and one in the testing center (which i was able to bring one page of notes (but it was really hard!)). So i got the one in the testing center done, and am just chillin for the next 3 days til Friday morning for my presentation. Can this happen every semester? please :)
So to catch up a little bit...
Britten, danica, Fred, Lon, Cj, and i all went to the Salt Lake City Temple and saw the Christmas lights. We drove to Sandy and then took the train from Sandy to SLC because it was suppose to snow that night and we thought it would be fun to take the train too :)
the crew (CJ, Lon, Danica, Fred, me, Brit)
roommate love
Monday Night
Alissa Rios is going on a mission, so sad, but she will do great. I cant believe that it will be the last time for at least a year in a half that all of us, what i call "the capo girls" will be together!
Us a year ago (at Guru's of course ;) )
Its amazing how fast things change, but i will always love these girls.