February 10, 2010

Moustache Meeting

Seriously i think we have the best group that has ever been at the Center and here's some proof.
The boys in our group thought it would be funny to start a moustache group, which most of the guys did do it. The deal was that they all grew out moustaches for 10 days and after 10 days they could shave it. I guess it was to create unity or brotherly love or something?! So at the end of the 10 days they had a big meeting, but it was the best meeting! Personally i have nothing against moustaches, some are dirty and ugly, but whatever i dont have to kiss them anyways, so there's no harm, right?
Since i was a pro-moustache supporter, i was asked to speak during their final meeting. So Katie and i decided to do a little performance for them, first we started off with a poem that i created...

The Moustache
Some girls like the bods
Some girls like the mods
And while some girls like the cash
My man needs the 'stache

Its prickley to the touch
For some girls its just too much
And while the skruff is alright
The moustache is tight!

And it was sad to see
That some didn't grow so far
So i guess i can see
Who the real men are

No, no please don't fret
And dont shave those 'staches just yet
Some girls wont talk to you
But there just a bunch of foo's

And just to end this story well
I have one secret to tell
I know that most girls gave you trash
But i will miss the dirty moustache
-Ali Huish

So p.s. we kinda got really into it and yes, i do have a moustache and yes, i do have a picture of a moustache on my shirt. Sitting below me, is Katie with the bongo drums
And then there was the Rap...

The Moustache, cant trade it for cash
Them prissy girls all be cheesed
but here we are on our knees
beggin to keep the patch
that you all call the moustache....cant trade it for cash
many men grow it long
them we consider strong
shaving is not a choice
now men raise up your voice

Moustache, cant trade it for cash
i dont mean to diss
but when we kiss
i tend to miss, the pleasureness

The moustache, cant trade it for cash
I dont mind the style
mexi, french, or pedifile
10 days aint enough
now men show your stuff

Moustache, cant trade it for cahs
you few who want it gone
for you this is your song
boys will you please recruite?
to you we salute!
-Katie Bourne

Us getting a little too into it again, with our shades, and hoodies... breaking it down

Here i am with all the boys...
Another p.s. i am holding up my nuckles because i wrote moustach on each one. True Thug.

And here is their salute

Just another crazy fun night at the Center
(me and Katie)


  1. Too bad LT isnt around still or else we could have laid down some sick tracks!

  2. That is hilarious! You have some serious creativity skills! I loved all of it. I hope you convinced the boys.
