March 9, 2010


For our fieldtirp this week, we went to Bethlehem! First we went to Bethlehem University, and the interesting thing about this University is that its for both Muslims and Catholics so there is a Cathedral in the middle of the campus.  One of the fun things about going there was that a lot of the students spoke English so we got to talk to them and ask them about random things, like what they think about the Palestinian/Israeli problem, their majors, and what they want to do with their lives. And came to realize that they are just like us...

Here is the view of the city of Bethlehem from the top on one of their buildings on campus

After visiting the campus we went and had lunch in a Bediwin Tent and it was soo good!
(Natalie, Diana, me, Ryan, Emma)

First they came out with pita and tons of dips

And sadly i didnt get a picture of the main course but we had this really good chicken with tomatoes and onions and french fries, and more pita!
After stuffing our faces, we went to the Church of the Nativity which is where they predict that Jesus was born.  In the scriptures it says that he was born in a stable, well the picture in my mind was literally a stable like a little wooden shelter with the little lambs and donkey just chillen watching...but no they had to shatter my whole idea of the birth of Jesus.  Apparently, a stable is where they use to keep the animals, but it was more like a cave, and a manger is where the animals get their food, so he wasnt in a little wooden crip with the hay.  It was shocking to me, haha, but thats me and my ignorance, again.

The Church of the Nativity

The original flooring that dates back to the fourth century which was done by Emperor Justinian

This is a group of us going into the stable and manger

This is me sitting next to the grotto, which the 14 point star represent the 14 generations from Adam to Jesus, and the 14 different points of memorable places of Jesus on Via Delarosa.

And here is the manger/shrine-ish thing..

And sadly, the whole time we were there we were being pushed by these dutch old ladies on a tour, so i didnt get any good pictures...

But afterwards we got to wonder around Bethlehem.  We ended up at this church called The Milk Grotto

Its interesting what they decide to make churches for nowadays.  This church was created because this is supposively where Mary spilt some of her milk...
Here is a picture of Mary that was in the church, if you cant tell, yes that is her boob just out there...

Grateful for the church and that we dont do things like this...


  1. mmmmm, i miss those restaurant lunches! soooooo good!

  2. ahahaha i love the boob just out there part
