April 28, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Well here i am on Thursday night all by myself at home...and i choose this?
Yep, a big thank you to jobs at J Crew and Farrell's, sunny weather, family, and the beach, i choose this.
Well let me back up, to explain the whole title of this post "Mixed Emotions" with two different thoughts
Thought #1:
Britten graduated! 
p.s. Congrats! But i seriously can NOT believe it! Well i can, she worked hard, but i can't believe that it was only 4 years ago they were graduating and i was doing this...
Yeah, embarrassing picture, i know, but thats what us girls do. 
Anyways, with that, i can't believe that it was only 3 years ago i was graduating from Capo
And on top of that, i will once again be graduating from BYU in one year!  I feel like i just graduated from Capo last year, maybe?!  Where does time go?

Thought #2:
I am all ALONE! 
Where did all my friends go? Ohh wait they are all back in Provo! 
Seriously, they need to make a BYUCA.  Because i just cant handle snow and i want my friends back.
i stinking miss...
 The Ward Crew
My Jeru Crew (side note: also can't even handle that this ended a year ago!?!)
This girl...(Thursday mornings wont be the same)
The Capo Crew
 But most of all my roomies.
No one warned me this was going to happen, dang it!
The End.


  1. Aw this post is so sad! If I was there I would definitely be keeping you company! I miss you already! Video chat date soon?

  2. YAy I made it with the Roomies!! Let's be honest, I'm basically one with my random pop-ins and late nights! Can't wait for the fall!! I miss you darling! I wish you were here! Its just not the same without our cute ali! Let's do a skype game night soon! Love you girl!!
