August 30, 2010

Back to School

I can not believe that i am half way through my college career! Its Nuts! But i also kinda doubt that i will finish college within the next 2 years..well thats according to my plans and with my planning of my schedule. Anyways, I have a little apartment at University Avenue Condos,
here is the kitchen...nothing to special

And here is the living room... again, nothing too special

And here is my room...which has a little something special...
i guess i just didnt know my roommates were going to be so generous of giving me the best room

Which you can't see its special-ness too well in this picture but i apparently have a whole new motto in life

...I know, your jelous...
And here is me being so excited about my first day of school :)

And a for realsies

I hope this school year brings that "possibility of a miracle"