February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Soo I've been really bad at Blogging..oops! But my life has gotten a little crazy lately. Recently i have gotten involved in a tobacco group and we are educating the legislator about dissoluble flavored tobacco. So i am going up to the Capitol on Thursday, February 24th, to go educate them! Super nervous about it, but hopefully our legislator will listen up. And on the 25th i am going to be starting to teach elementary school kids about Asthma prevention, which will be way fun, have my own little class :)
Wait, so backing up..Happy Valentine's Day! I didn't do anything too special. i went out to dinner with Britten, Danica, Skyler, and Courtney. We called it a poly-date (polygamist) since it was 4 girls and 1 guy.  We went to Zupas, yum :) And then afterwards i went to Golden Spoon, of course, in celebration of my single-ness.

Also, i went to Sundance with Danica awhile ago. But it was great, fun little get away from Provo.  Its always nice to get out of Provo once in awhile, even if it is just to Park City. We weren't able to go to a movie but it was fun to go and see all the action that was going on.